Main » 2010 » Mei » 12 » Veteranen werken mee aan Call of Duty: Black Ops
Veteranen werken mee aan Call of Duty: Black Ops
Volgens Mark Lamia, studiohoofd van Treyarch, zal Call of Duty: Black Ops gebaseerd zijn op de ervaringen van Amerikaanse en Russische veteranen.

Majoor John Plaster van de 'Black Operation Unit' van de CIA en Sonny Pzikas, een voormalige 'Soviet special forces operative', delen hun ervaringen met de ontwikkelaar en werken dus mee aan de game. Mark Lamia vertelde USA Today dat Treyarch zijn inspiratie uit deze verhalen probeert te halen. De oud-strijders gaven eveneens enkele tips aan Treyarch.
"We do our research, which are our inspirations, and we strive for authenticity."
"But we create our fictions from looking at all of this. It was exciting for the team to do something that had not done before with Call of Duty."
"[Plaster] was able to talk through his experiences during the Vietnam War era and the kind of, at the time, classified black operations that he was a part of."
"He talked about everything from his training to missions to tactics. He reviewed our characters, our weaponry. He was able to advise us on very practical matters."
"[Sonny Puzikas] offered his advice and expertise on how Soviet special forces trained, the weaponry they used and what it was like to be in that force."
"When you meet with these people you can't help but feel inspired about what they are telling you and it opens up new avenues of gameplay."

Categorie: Call of Duty: Black Ops | 452 keer bekeken | Geplaatst door Edbn
1 reacties
1  NaabJ    (12/Mei/2010 14:56:30)
Hopen die het leuker maken dan het is smile

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