Main » 2010 » December » 5 » Grote patch voor Call of Duty: Black Ops
Grote patch voor Call of Duty: Black Ops
Binnenkort zal Black Ops een grote patch krijgen om een hoop multiplayerproblemen te verhelpen. Wij hebben de lijst van verbeteringen voor je.

Issues Addressed:
* • Resolved several issues with parties getting disbanded unexpectedly.
* • Additional measures to prevent the "Transmission error” and other disconnects. This was most likely to occur with large parties where party members had mixed NAT types.
* • Updated handling for UPnP-enabled routers to improve matchmaking conditions where users had strict or moderate NAT types. Also added in-game communications so that all players are aware of their NAT type in the Player Match party lobby.
* • Addressed an issue with VOIP icons not appearing when USB headsets were plugged in prior to game launch.
* • Prevention of exploit that allowed players to keep custom classes and killstreaks after prestige.
* • Addressed an issue where Flak Jacket Pro would not always protect against ground fires left by Napalm Strikes.
* • Prevention of users losing their killstreak reward when switching classes at the start of a new round in round-based game modes.
* • Addressed an issue where the incorrect perks would appear when spectating another player under certain circumstances.
* • Added round start explosive delay to China Lake grenade launcher to give it the same round start limitations as other explosives.
* • Contracts will now reset when the player Prestiges.
* • Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions.
* • Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions.
* • Prevention of an issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific circumstances.
* • Additional security measures to enhance detection and banning capabilities.
Gameplay Tuning:
* • Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care Packages only, no other killstreak drops.
* • Added a negative influencer to all spawn points to decrease the chances of spawning near an enemy. This will further improve spawning protection on top of previous updates.
* • Additional sound mix tuning for Ninja Pro users – increased ranges and volume of enemy footsteps, and removed player footstep sounds on concrete material types.
* • Increased headshot multipliers for sniper rifles. Sniper rifles with suppressors equipped will now always be ensured one-shot kill headshots.
* • Subtle increase in sniper rifle accuracy when scoping in.
* • Added a render delay to the red diamond player indicators that appear when controlling the Gunship, Valkyrie Rocket and Chopper Gunner. When a player first spawns, this will not appear for a period of time.
* • Additional minor reductions in knife lunge.
Morgen gaat de laatste testfase in. Het zal dus waarschijnlijk niet lang duren voordat we patch 1.04 kunnen verwachten.

Categorie: Call of Duty: Black Ops | 415 keer bekeken | Geplaatst door Edbn
3 reacties
3  GSMK-93    (05/Dec/2010 15:01:24)
jamy dat had ik bij mw2 ds reken der maar niet op

2  Glenn van Dijk    (05/Dec/2010 13:51:29)
daarom hadde we die lag dus vannacht

1  jamy    (05/Dec/2010 11:00:43)
mooi om te weten, gaan ze ook de trophies patchen? bij sommige mensen (ik dus) krijg je de veteran trophies niet terwijl je ze wel hoort te hebben.

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