Main » 2009 » Juni » 24 » Geen story co-op, maar losstaande co-op voor Modern Warfare 2
Geen story co-op, maar losstaande co-op voor Modern Warfare 2
Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2 zal geleverd worden met een co-op modi, maar het zal geen campaign co-op worden. Infinity Ward heeft er namelijk voor gekozen om een co-op ervaring te maken dat in zijn geheel los staat van het verhaal. Special Ops zal deze modi heten en het wordt een two-player co-op. Hierover kon Infinity Ward’s communications en community manager Robert Bowling ons iets meer over vertellen.

''We don’t do co-op in our story because we’re crafting a very specific experience and we don’t want to ruin that by cramming co-op into it. We take the moments that work really well with co-op, we bring them out and we put them in Special Ops.”

“Story’s all about pacing,” “Sometimes moments get toned down because they don’t fit with the pacing of the experience you’re trying to deliver. There (in Special Ops) it’s all about fun. It’s about playing over and over again, getting a better time – you’ll have a time at the end of it – it’s about challenging a friend going in on co-op and trying to beat it on veteran.”

“Two player seemed to be the magic number for co-op. That’s when it stayed really fun and intense without becoming a clusterf**k of things. We just found that two-players was the most fun.”

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