Main » 2011 » December » 21 » Eerste DLC Modern Warfare 3 verschijnt volgende maand
Eerste DLC Modern Warfare 3 verschijnt volgende maand

Infinity Ward heeft onthuld dat de eerste DLC voor Modern Warfare 3 op 24 januari van volgend jaar uitgebracht wordt. Die zal tijdelijk exclusief zijn voor Premium Elite-members op Xbox Live.

Gevarieerdere DLC
Robert Bowling heeft gezegd dat Modern Warfare 3 gevarieerdere DLC te bieden zal hebben dan de vorige games in de serie. Daarnaast bevestigde hij dat Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games en Raven Software allen aan updates voor de game werken. We kunnen deze keer dan ook meer dingen dan alleen mappacks verwachten, zoals nieuwe Spec Ops-missies. Over de inhoud van het eerste uitbreidingspakket werden echter nog geen details vrijgegeven.

"The way we're doing downloadable content this year is unlike we've never done before. Not only in how you can get it - in content drops or choose for the collection - but also the type of content you're getting. We're doing more than just maps. We're going to do Spec Ops missions and a variety of things that players have never seen before.

That's the great thing about having three developers that are contributing to the season of content. You have Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer and Raven all pitching in. The full season of content for Modern Warfare 3 kicks off for Elite subscribers on January 24 on Xbox Live."

Xbox Live-exclusiviteit
Website VG247 vroeg aan Activision of Elite-abonnees op de PS3 en de PC een extra maand zullen moeten wachten op de content, zoals eerder het geval was met DLC voor Call of Duty-games door een exclusiviteitsdeal met Microsoft. Hierop werd echter geen concreet antwoord gegeven. Er werd alleen gezegd dat we meer details hierover in het begin van januari kunnen verwachten.

"Today we informed the Call of Duty Elite Premium community that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Elite Content Season will officially kick off on January 24 for Xbox users. We'll have more details about the entire 2012 MW3 Content Season in early January, so stay tuned for updates."

Categorie: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 | 435 keer bekeken | Geplaatst door Edbn
1 reacties
1  forexnewbiexu    (21/Dec/2011 19:17:55)
I am using iphone, I usually trade fx using iphone.
So I found only two companies have forex software which can be used on iphone. So at least I can check my positions.

Oanda is one. It took two days to get verified of my account.
Then the next day, one guy called me and asked me to deposit my account.
With the instruction, I transferred S$1000 and sent notification and documents.
But 3 days later, the money is still not in my account.

In their website, the money will be in my account within 2 days.
I called Oanda, the customer service checked long time, and told me I need verify the bank account is mine.
OK, I scanned the bank book to them. One day later, money is not in my account.
I called Oanda again. They said, The transaction is in Canada.
I waited another day, I called Oanda, they said everthing is fine. Canada office is working on this.

The iphone fx software has a bug, I called Oanda how to solve it, the guy didn't know,
but he said he will call me back.
But I am waiting forever for his call back.

I sent email for the fund issue, but until now nobody even replied my email.

I just wonder why Oanda don't take their customers serious?

I have several fellow students from forex course, they opened account with the other broker who also have iphone app.
They are very easy to get acount verified and get money transferred. introduces this broker for the narrow pips spead, ECN updating and a lot of useful tools.

I am switching my account to them now.

But I don't know when I can get my money from Oanda. I am still waiting...
I searched on the internet, a lot of people are also compalining oanda's crazy pips spead during news time which may go as wider as 40 pips...

I will write this review to as many forums as possible to let new forex trader know the bad customer service!!!

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