21:47:48 E3: Voorlopige gameslijst E3 2011 | |
Langzaam maar zeker komt de E3 er weer aan. Maar we hebben nu al een lijst van games waar we zeker iets over krijgen te horen. En dat zijn zeker niet de minste games.
Hieronder kom je twee lijsten tegen. De eerste is met bevestigde games die getoond zullen worden op de E3, de tweede lijst zit vol met games waar geruchten de ronde gaan over een mogelijke onthulling.
Confirmed E3 Game List
Agent (Rockstar North) [PS3] Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360]
Battlefield 3 (DICE/EA) [PC, PS3, X360]
Bioshock: Infinite (2K Games/Irrational Games) [PC,PS3, X360]
Bodycount (Codemasters) [PS3, X360] PC?
Brink (Bethesda/Splash Damage) [PC, PS3, X360]
Call of Duty # (Sledgehammer/Activision) [PC, PS3, X360]
Dead Island (Techland/Deep Silver) [PC, PS3, X360]
Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory/Capcom) [PS3, X360]
Devil’s Third (THQ) [PS3, X360]
Driver: SF (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360, Wii)
Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360)
Hitman 5 (IO Interactive/Square-Enix) [PC, PS3, X360)
I Am Alive (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360]
LA Noire (Rockstar Games / Team Bondi) [PS3, X360)
Mass Effect 3 (Bioware/EA) [PC, PS3, X360]
Max Payne 3 (Rockstar Games) [PC, PS3, X360]
Metro 2034 (THQ/4A Games) [PC, PS3, X360]
Ninja Gaiden 3 (Ninja Theory) [PS3, X360]
Prey 2 (Human Head Studios/Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360]
Prototype 2 (Activision) [PC, PS3, X360]
RAGE (id Software/Bethesda) [PC, Mac, PS3, X360]
Red Faction: Armageddon (Volition/THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
Resident Evil 6 (Capcom) [PC, PS3, X360]
Saints Row 3 (THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
Spec Ops: The Line (Codemasters) [PC, PS3, X360]
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix) [PC, PS3, X360]
Rumored E3 Game List
Bungie’s next game. (Which is rumored to be a MMO) Bully 2. (Has been hinted for a while, will it show up at E3?)
Crytek UK project (Timesplitters 4? Battlefront 3? What is it?)
Grand Theft Auto 5
Hideo Kojima Title?
Respawn studio’s FPS project?
Half-Life 3?
Kingdom Hearts 3?
Insomniac project
Manhunt 3.
Guerrilla Games (New IP.)
Starhawk (Lightbox Interactive) [PS3]
The Last Guardian (Sony) [PS3]
Neverwinter (Cryptic) [PC, PS3, X360]
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