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Nieuwe PAIN DLC details vrijgegeven
Via het PlayStation Blogzijn nieuwe details vrijgegeven van de toekomstige downloadbare content van PAIN. Men heeft de speciale offline multiplayer mode (men is al bezig met een online versie van de mode) van het Sore Spots pakket onthuld; PAINalympics. De onderstaande lijst toont de evenementen die tijdens deze multiplayer mode, die met maximaal vier mensen gespeeld kan worden, gespeeld zullen worden.

  • Horseshoes – There are four giant horseshoes floating in front of the launcher, and your task is to snatch them and try for a ringer. You have four launches.Whatcha gon’ do?
  • Bull Ride – Imagine a large group of mechanical bulls, each atop a large column. Launch, grab, and hold on to as many bulls as you can. Ready to ride, cowboys and cowgirls?
  • Rope Kick – Test your Ooching skills by launching and grabbing a rope that you have to hold onto and swing on, knocking down as many of the characters in the area as you can in 30 seconds.
  • Balloony Bin – You have 45 seconds to push, pull, drag, or otherwise force balloons into trash bins. Extra points for the red ones!
  • Stack Whacker – All you have to do here is knock down a wall of boxes in as few launches as possible. If you’re good, you can probably use some exploding objects to help do the job more quickly.
  • Anvil Toss – Snatch an anvil out of the air and chuck it as far as you can. Watch out for the cherry bombs and exploding chemicals on the floor, though!
  • Relay Race – Keep your Pimp Slap Hand strong and smack, smack, smack your way to the finish line in the best time…and don’t forget the baby powder!
  • Punt Ball – Knocking a ball through a goal is sometimes a lot harder than it seems. Extra points if you hit the characters who are dancing between the goal posts.
  • Swing N’ Dunk – Grab the ring, swing, release…wait for it…wait for it…Oooch your character through the basketball hoop. Harder rings grant a higher reward.

Sore Spots zal op 14 mei, met een nog onbekende prijs, in de PlayStation Store verschijnen. Op 21 mei zal het zombie karakter Ded Baron in de Store verschijnen en als kleine verrassing zal op 14 mei ook Daxter als speelbaar karakter worden toegevoegd. Ded Baron zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk €1,99 gaan kosten terwijl Daxter gratis te downloaden zal zijn.

459 keer bekeken | Geplaatst door Edbn
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